BL.27.0.1 | BL.27.0.2 | BL.27.0.3 | BL.27.0.5 | BL.27.0.7 | BL.27.1.2 | BL.27.1.5 | BL.27.1.1 | BL.27.1.4 |
08:30 / 09:20 | Doors Open |
09:20 / 09:40 | Opening by Codemotion |
09:40 / 10:20 | Keynote
09:40: / 10:00: - BL.27.0.1 - It’s All About Developers. Discover Cisco DevNet. by Jason Goecke (Cisco) - Inspirational
10:00: / 10:20: - BL.27.0.1 - Outthink: machines coping with humans. A journey into the cognitive world by Elisabetta Rinaldi (IBM), Rossella De Gaetano (IBM), Pepper P. (IBM), Salvatore Vella (IBM) - AI/Machine Learning
10:30 / 11:10 | Keynote
10:30: / 11:10: - BL.27.0.1 - The Most Important Thing by Mike Lee (Appsterdam) - Inspirational
10:30: / 11:10: - BL.27.0.2 - Community Innovation by Alaina Percival (Women Who Code) - Inspirational
11:10 / 11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:30 / 12:10 |
The new features of PHP 7
Enrico Zimuel (Rogue Wave Software)0
Angular Rebooted: Components Everywhere
Carlo Bonamico (NIS s.r.l.)1, Sonia Pini (NIS s.r.l.)
Graph databases and the "panama papers"
Stefan Armbruster (Neo Technology)0
Kubernetes and lastminute.com: our course towards better scalability and processes
Michele Orsi (lastminute.com group)0
From IoT to Human interactions : voice and messages to the rescue (Drone Demo)
Stève Sfartz (CISCO)1, Angelo Fienga (Cisco)
Cross-platform Apps using Xamarin and MvvmCross
Martijn van Dijk (Xablu)0
Put yourself in the appsec pipe
Paolo Perego (SUSE)0
The game design behind Redout
Giuseppe Enrico Franchi (34BigThings)0
12:30 / 13:10 |
Promises Are So Passé
Tim Perry (resin.io)0
TDD: cose che ho imparato negli ultimi 12 anni
Matteo Vaccari (ThoughtWorks)0
Beyond Hacktivism - why #policymatters
Zan Markan (Pusher)0
Getting started with Go
Florin Patan (YouView TV Ltd.)0
IBM Watson Conversation: machine learning tools, artificial intelligence capabilities and natural language
Rossella De Gaetano (IBM)0
Build apps for Apple Watch
Francesco Novelli (Blinkar)0
Pronti per la legge sulla data protection GDPR? No Panic!
Domenico Maracci (CA Technologies)1, Stefano Sali (CA Technologies)
A-Frame in the Virtual World, small bricks of virtual reality web
Giovanni Laquidara (Tui Group)0
13:10 / 14:10 | Lunch |
14:10 / 14:50 |
How to Apply Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning to Real Time Processing
Kai Waehner (Confluent)0
Continuous budgeting
Francesco Fullone (Digitiamo)0
Scaling applications using AngularJS and TypeScript
Simona Cotin (Microsoft)0
Build advanced Voice Assistants and Chat Bots
Stève Sfartz (CISCO)0
The hitchhikers guide to UXing without a UXer
Chrissy Welsh (Philips)0
Developing apps for developing countries
Natalie Pistunovich (Aerospike)0
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans. Dalla demo a Kickstarter
Gerardo Verna (Trinity Team)2, Fabrizio Zagaglia (Fabrizio Zagaglia), Marco Agricola (Trinity Team)
15:10 / 15:50 |
From a developer to a teamleader — an unexpected journey
Vitaly Sharovatov (Badoo)0
Understanding Angular 2
Shmuela Jacobs (ngGirls)0
SASI, Cassandra on the full text search ride !
DuyHai Doan (Datastax)0
Wearable Botnets and Happy Hacked Drivers
Andrea Pompili (Cy4gate)0
Monarch, Google’s Planet-Scale Monitoring Infrastructure
Roberto Lupi (Google)0
Serverless Data Architecture at scale on Google Cloud Platform
Lorenzo Ridi (Noovle)0
going loopy
Eleanor McHugh (Innovative Identity Solutions Limited)0
Alla scoperta di Roslyn: i compilatori .NET open source e le loro API
Alessandro Del Sole (Brain-Sys)0
Virtual Reality gaming: analysis of Yon Paradox development
Fabio Mosca (AnotheReality)0
15:50 / 16:10 | Networking Coffee |
16:10 / 16:50 |
Combining AI and IoT. New Industrial Revolution in our houses and in the Universe
Karina Popova (whatever mobile GmbH)0
Universal JavaScript Web Applications with React
Luciano Mammino (fourTheorem)0
Coding for Accessibility
Kamilla Khabibrakhmanova (Women Who Code)0
Knowledge is Power: Getting out of trouble by understanding Git
Steve Smith (Atlassian)0
To ∞ (~65K) and beyond!
Sebastiano Gottardo (Blinklist)0
Big data, small dashboard
Andrea Maietta (Wide Care Services)0
Creare Docker da zero con GoLang
Giulio De Donato (XPeppers)0
Game Design Principles: What you should know about game design whether you create games or not
Emanuele Bolognesi (Docomo Digital)0
Hololens: primo contatto
Marco Dal Pino (Microsoft)0
17:10 / 17:50 |
React - render() to DOM
Boris Dinkevich (500Tech)0
Distributed System explained (with NodeJS)
Bruno Bossola (Meterian)0
Talking and listening to web pages
Aurelio De Rosa (Digital Detox)0
Come rendere il proprio prodotto una bomba creandogli una intera community intorno!
Alessio Fattorini (Nethesis)0
Functional Reactive Programming with Kotlin on Android
Giorgio Natili (Akamai Technologies)0
Geospatial Graphs made easy with OrientDB
Luigi Dell' Aquila (OrientDB LTD)0
Situational Awareness, Botnet and Malware Detection in the Modern Era
Davide Papini (Elettronica S.p.a.)0
Hearthstone: an analysis of game network protocols.
Andrea Del Fiandra (Becreatives)1, Marco Cuciniello (Becreatives)
17:50 / 18:30 | Networking Beer |
18:30 / 20:00 |
Milano JS Meetup
Maurizio Mangione (Boolean)1, Gabriele Petronella (buildo)
Un anno di Front End Meetup! Gioie, dolori e festeggiamenti!
Alessandro Muraro (Objectway)1, Giacomo Zinetti (Liferay)
Milano Chatbots Meetup
Emanuele Capparelli (Bot Company)2, Vittorio Banfi (BotSociety), Adriano Urso (Endurance Group srl)
UGIdotNET Meetup
Andrea Saltarello (Managed Designs)1, Alessandro Melchiori (CodicePlastico srl)