Learn to build Bots and add Video, SMS, Voice to your apps by using Cisco Spark and Tropo

Stève Sfartz, Jonathan Field

DATE: Friday, 25th of November
TIME: 11:30 to 18:00
LENGTH: 20 minutes for each session, free entrance all day long

WARNING: seats are limited, booking is recommended. REGISTER NOW!

Access to Labs is allowed to Codemotion Conference Ticket holders.

In this lab you will definitely get in touch with the new Cisco capabilities provided by Spark and Tropo services.
If you are working on an app and you wish to boost the communication capabilities, don’t miss these labs!

Join us in the Cisco Area and choose your hands-on lab! Meet Cisco specialists who will help you in discovering all the functionalities of Cisco Spark and Tropo and actually help you to integrate them in your app easily.

The codelabs hands-on will run throughout the first day of Codemotion Milan, from 11 am to 6 pm: come and say hello at any time. The entrance is free and you can choose among any of the following sessions, long 20 minutes each:

ChatBots: In this lab, we’ll go through the various steps to build a Cisco Spark bot: create a Bot account, register it into Cisco Spark, build your own bot, run it live.

ChatOps in practice: Get a 360 view on your operations via ChatOps. In this lab, you’ll learn how to get real-time information about your back-end applications, all this in a Cisco Spark encrypted messaging channel.

Video and Mobile applications. Communicate directly with customers!  Integrate Video communications into Mobile applications. Take this lab to add the new Cisco Spark SDK capabilities to your existing iOS applications.
It’s recommended to install iOS developer tools (for iOS applications).
ATTENTION: If you’re going to attend the “Video and Mobile applications” lab, you will need to bring with you your Mac (only PCs will be provided in the lab room).

Video and Web applications. Make your application more interactive!  Integrate Video communications into your Web applications. Take this lab to add the new Cisco Spark SDK capabilities to your existing Web applications.
It’s recommended to install Javascript & Web IDE if you’re going to use your own laptop.

SMS: Add SMS interactions to your apps! In this lab, you’ll learn to add inbound and outbound SMS to your application, by first attaching a Tropo phone number to your application, send a SMS from an existing application, and to receive text from a SMS text’ed to your Tropo phone number.

Voice: Give a voice to your application, add voice interactions! Take this lab to learn to create your own Voice Interactive Assistants (IVR) in Javascript. You’ll learn to create an inbound Voice channel for your application, and then attach a Tropo phone number to your application to test your IVR live.


How to participate:

  • Book your seat! – seats are limited, booking is recommended!
  • Bring your laptop / your Mac or use the one provided
    ATTENTION: If you’re going to attend the “Video and Mobile applications” lab, you will need to bring with you your Mac (only PCs will be provided in the lab room).
  • Follow the instruction for each session.


Language: English
Level: from beginners to experts

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