Introducing VR showcase!

The VIRTUAL reality is for REAL at Codemotion Milan 2016!

Codemotion Milan is proud to host its first VR Showcase.
Virtual reality, more than an hype, is getting to become clearly the wave of the near future: here is why, along by tech Conference, Codemotion also plays host to the VR showcase!
Codemotion team is going to select an incredible display of VR projects coming from around for attendees to experience during the conference.
Also, attending Codemotion stands for meet best talented developers and participate to sessions about VR delivered by best international speakers.
If you are interested in playing a role in the first Codemotion Milan VR area, then apply now to the Call for VR!
If your project will be selected you will get:

  • A free space in Codemotion Milan 2016 Exhibition Area for both days of conference, the 25th and 26th of November (it is mandatory to attend the desk both days of conference);
  • 4 tickets to attend your desk and the conference (25th-26th of November)
  • Codemotion Exhibitors App use, to collect info about people attending your desk

Apply now by filling this form: deadline for submission is October 5th.
For any other info write to us at

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